Convinced the people who hate this game simply did not grow up with it. I did, though, so I love it. This is basically the video game version of me micro-dosing myself with poison until I build up a tolerance. The important thing is that I'm aware of what I'm doing and that makes it ok.

Look, I'm not going to pretend like F-Zero isn't the better game - I'm stupid but I'm not intentionally a contrarian - but I do think Super Mario Kart's Mode 7 holds up better than people give it credit for. I think it plays reasonably well for what it is and the time that it came out, tracks are readable enough that I never feel unsure about when to make a turn, and the general quaintness of its gimmicks and items makes it a lot less frustrating to play than later entries, where you get smacked repeatedly by items that I swear are designed to be the most annoying thing you've ever encountered in a game. And yeah, sure, maybe the reason I had such a great time with this when I last played it was because I drank enough NOS energy drink to give myself a chemical lobotomy before firing it up. So what?

But the way people talk about Super Mario Kart makes it sound almost torturous, the sort of game that would make a Cenobite blush with how sadistic and painful it is. Well guess what, I beat this thing and they showed up, and now I am experiencing the most exquisite agony and pleasure (getting hit by consecutive red shells in Vanilla Lake on 150cc.)

Reviewed on Jun 01, 2023


1 year ago

I agree with you that super Mario kart isn’t too bad! Enjoyed the review!

1 year ago

@whu Thank you. I don't actually mind if people dislike this game and I can see why they may not, but I always have a good time with it.

1 year ago

Same tbh. Would happily 1v1 you lol

1 year ago

@whu Could try it on Fightcade sometime. I'm not sure what the latency is like, and it's been a hot minute so I'm probably rusty, but I'd be down.

1 year ago

Ight cool. I might dm you sometime about it. I’ve not played it in a while tbf
I played it recently myself and didn't enjoy it at all but that's okay, we all have that one nostalgic game that we think is better than most people give it credit for. For me that game is Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (the goat)

1 year ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 I should try Croc, actually. I've played worse games starring lizard, like Gex, and Gex 2. And Gex 3.
the problem people have with croc (cuz the music and aesthetics are awesome) is the tank controls but I feel the levels generally accommodate well for them idk, im used to them.

8 months ago

I was also surprised to see the low scores for the game... I mean, this title pretty much popularized and invented the kart racing formula... sure, it isn't going to hold up if someone played Mario Kart 8 first, but still. Gotta show a little respect to the legends and one of Mario's best spin-offs.

Good and funny review though - I'll always get pissed at the rubber-band AI bullshit on the higher CCs...

8 months ago

@Hank7777 Thank you.