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Days in Journal

5 days

Last played

August 30, 2021

First played

August 25, 2021

Platforms Played


MGSV is the black sheep of the Metal Gear Series, but I still believe it's a must play due to the advancements in narrative, interesting characters, and unmatched freedom of gameplay.

Critics of the Phantom Pain cite that it is a unfinished game in which Kojima's dream of story was never fully realized, and is too light on the story (often calling it "Horrible".) However I could not disagree more. What you get out of MGSV from a story perspective is an incredible explanation of story that connects MGS: Peace Walker to Metal Gear 1 which leads into the best known Metal Gear Solid series. You come to a crossroads, allying with everyone's favorite "villain" Revolver Ocelot, the ever so mysterious Kazuhira Miller, the intruiging scientist Huey Emmerich (father to Hal aka Otacon,) and the beautiful sniper Quiet. This cast of characters exists as a dysfunctional family to Snake's Diamond Dogs PMC who operate as their own entity with no alleigance to country. Through time spent with these characters both on the field and in the mother base, you learn more and more about the identity and reasonings of your enemies and foes. Who is Mr X and what is Cypher doing in Afghanistan and in Africa? As you play through the story you discover the harrowing truth behind their actions and what the Diamond Dogs must do to stop it.

Gameplay is easily the highlight for most people in TPP, with an unparalleled degree of freedom in approach and in-fight decisions. You have an outrageously large arsenal to choose from before combat with everything from silenced tranquilzer pistols, to rocket arms, to inflatable dummies that made fighting and making your way to your targets ALWAYS fun and innovative. The buddies you are allowed to bringalong are also interesting, each providing a different service that make can vastly change the outcome of the fight or objective. Quiet can provide great overwatch and assistance if things get hairy, D-Dog can help sniff out objectives and enemies in the area, D-Walker is great if you want to go guns blazing, and D-Horse is great for early game traversal.

With a great cast of characters, impressive open world, and seemingly unending gameplay mechanics, MGSV is a great experience and a phenomenal next step in the MGS series.