How do you even write a review for an experience like Elden Ring? It truly feels like a piece of media that only comes around once in a blue moon, up with the all time greats in their respective genres. My feelings after playing FromSoft's magnum opus probably replicate those of fans of Breath of the Wild. This is an open world game in which EVERYTHING feels rewarding to explore, EVERY fight presented a unique challenge or mechanic, EVERY environment took my breath away. I'd tried Dark Souls, tried Bloodborne, tried Sekiro, and bounced off them all. It wasn't until Elden Ring that the genius of Miyazaki and his cohort finally clicked. This is a game that is earnest about the challenges it presents, about the difficulty in the road ahead, but is cathartic and greatly enjoyable.

I enjoy difficulty to a degree in video games... there are times where I feel it is genuinely unfair and not worth the time (SMTIII) and other times where it feels rewarding beyond belief because it rewards learning and reacting correctly (DMC3/Bayonetta.) Elden Ring is most definitely the latter. The combat in this game and the bosses within are definitely not easy, and being cocky will result in a game over, however after feeling out and learning boss patterns, it becomes a simple endeavour. I LOVE how this game emphasizes that feeling of becoming better, it rewards the player time and time again for the effort they put into the fight. Rarely can you just get "lucky" and out DPS a boss or cheese them into a frozen state, you have to put in the effort to outplay them. From the very first story boss to the last, each fight is something new to try out and learn from. Your confidence grows and grows over time, making you truly feel like you are worthy of becoming the Elden Lord toward the end. I went a pure melee STR build, and I felt a little unfairly challenged at times because of bosses that were quick and in your face, making beating them a harder task, however my ability to do so made me a much more confident player. As the game went on, and I gained levels, my inner confidence and mental resolve did as well.

The first thing a lot of people will talk about in regards to Elden Ring is the environment and man... if it isn't one of, if not the, most beautiful games I have ever seen. From your first moment in the Lands In Between, you are exposed to the gracious extravagance of the Erdtree. The bright yellow shines over the world in its ever present glory, a great start to the eye candy that is the rest of the game. Every zone you go to is a new biome entierly, from the luscious greens of Limgrave to the eerie reds of Caelid, to the righteous yellows of Lyndell to the harsh swamps of Liurnia and more. The world was filled of life everywhere, with each part of this MASSIVE zones filled to the brim with purpose; with animals or trees or activities for the player to join in. The only other game I felt this as present in was Resident Evil Village. With a whole world in front of you, the player is begged from the start to explore. The crazy thing about that? It ALL feels good to do. It's been a VERY long time in a game, perhaps since Skyrim, that I have felt the unbridled excitement to just keep on turning over every rock and exploring. I scouted every environment from head to toe, running up and down every mountain and every tower, checking every minor Erdtree, taking every portal I came across. The "hey check this out" factor of Elden Ring is a phenomenal factor of Elden Ring's player driven adventure. The game feels naturally lead by YOU to create your own takeaways and experiences. Sitting in a call with my friends and saying "hey dude I just found something cool" and having them all go to that place in their respective playthroughs felt like the days of gaming pre-internet, where the legends of items or cool finds were spread through word of mouth. Elden Ring's map is massive, not in a daunting and unrewarding way, but in one that you always wished were bigger so you never had to stop looking around the expansive world.

I still have to do some deep dives on the lore to understand exactly all that is going on in the world, but I didn't find it too difficult to follow along with the item stories and overarching plot. I can't wait to watch hours of lore explanation videos as well to dive even deeper into the intricate world penned by George RR Martin and the creators at FromSoft.

Elden Ring is a challenging game at first, but immediately grabs the player and holds them for what is one of the freshest and most enjoyable experiences I have ever had in a video game. Simply put, it is one of the greatest video games ever made.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2022


Great review

2 years ago

Thank you!