Definitely give it a try without reading anything else about it and see how you feel. Rain World has that potential of eliciting very unique reactions that shouldn't be soiled by any previous experience.

Play it, drop it, play it again, drop it again, play it again, ask someone how to get through the area that's literally just pitch black, play it with them, beat the game.

Ask such existential, heavy-hitting questions as: "why is there an enemy right outside my spawn location that I cannot get past?" and "how was I supposed to know that ever?"

Realize that, honestly, who cares? Watch two lizards chase a zappy bug for 10 minutes. Die to the rain. Lose an hour of progress. Stop playing for a few days. Realize that "that was pretty cool." Go back. Get help. Grow, get better. Realize that, maybe, a part of the game is also the human interaction which arises through discussing this experience.

I hated parts of it. Absolutely despised them. Irredeemable stuff in my mind. It owns.

And to throw epic cool buzzwords because how else could I gain credibility
"Masterclass of storytelling without dialogue" (screw you Playdead)
"Dark Souls of platformers"
"Game journalists am I right?"

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2022
