I really wish I could say I enjoy the assassins creed franchise but sadly I can't. I love the idea of assassins creed and the story behind it but the execution of the games is just lack luster and boring. this game I think perfectly shows what every assassins creed is, it has ok stealth and boring combat. I wish I could love assassins creed but every time I try, ill play for a few hours into a game and stop because I got bored. I've played many of the other games in the franchise as well but each one has the same problems also half the missions in these games are the same thing. the worst part however is the modern day section, I see no reason why we need a story in the modern day. JUST HAVE IT SET TO THE PAST. it would be a much better story if it all just took place in the past, nothing would be missing from the game at all. maybe one day I'll come back and try this game or any other assassins creed game again but for now I'm done.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2024


3 months ago

Quite the switch-up. I thought you loved most of these games for a while and wanted to play this one in its entirety, but I guess you're done with them.
@AuthenticShant i never enjoyed the games i always just wanted to enjoy them in the end i had to accept the fact that as much as i want to like them i can't