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Time Played

61h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 6, 2020

Platforms Played


Let me start off by saying I have never played any of the Xenoblade games until this one. I heard good things about it but it wasn't for me after this experience. I played the game up until the final boss. I could not beat it with it's setup and I do not have it in my heart to grind for level, gear, or blades.

The environment:
The best thing I will remember about this game is the vast, gorgeous world. All lifeforms live on titans. Each titan is considered a continent and has it's own climate, government, creatures, etc. One titan resembles snowy mountains. Another is full of forests. You can go out into the world on a titan's back and actually see their bodies. One titan you can see their MASSIVE wings keeping you afloat. It's an awe inspiring sight in a video game.

Then that awe inspiring view gets destroyed because an enemy twice your level one shots you.

My MAIN point of frustration in this game has been OHKO enemies. I cannot stand those in games. It ruins my experience and leaves me feeling frustrated. Most of the times I have died because of a one or two hit from an enemy that was completely nonsensical. The first titan continent you arrive for the story has a GIANT bird that will just fly in and hit you. Some of these enemies are beautiful and really cool to see because of their scale. However, some are so large they won't even fit on screen. I have been killed multiple times by enemies I accidentally aggro'ed and couldn't see right away what killed me.

One area I was doing a side story at level at level 35. The land was surrounded by water and in the water were fish at level 74. I had to swim past them just fast enough to not get hit ONCE to fight the enemy I was supposed to kill. I died multiple times because of those fish. It was awful.

The random enemies can one shot you. Named, special enemies will one shot you. Hell, bosses will one shot you. It's not enjoyable for me. At all.

The story/characters:
The story is a bit convoluted. But I appreciated that is seemed to be more creative and not just a typical good vs bad trope. I do like how you can have interactions with your blades and have a heart to heart. I was disappointed in the final boss. I mean I knew it was coming. You know the game is setting it up. But the main villain is one dimensional compared to others you fought previously.

Random other thoughts
Pros: fast travel, auto heal outside fights, complex combat
Cons: no load on menu, constant talking during fights (holy s**t), textures disappear after fighting or salvaging, stat checks during main story (yikes)

I could really talk more about this game but honestly, I'm ready to move on.