This game still pisses me off. It's an unbalanced and micro-transaction mess. Should developers make money for their work? Absolutely. But Blizzard promised content, only to later go back on their promise and cut it completely. The reason they made OW2 was to "balance and update it more often" and yet you have to wait an entire season for one character to not be laughably OP or another to be entirely broken and a loss to pick.

Don't even get me started on the pass. It's painful to remember you could earn everything you wanted to in a season by simply playing. Now you get repeated skins, reskins for mythic, and the cheapest "rewards" for playing. You can't possibly earn the rewards for playing the game. It's literally cents.

I have played some of Season 8 at this time of review and the new character is again unfairly OP and broken. I have played matches where a tank will ask the enemy tank to NOT play the new character. The game is miserable every time a character is released.

If I was smart and practiced self-care, I would have uninstalled this game entirely months and months ago. Alas, I am a dumb bitch.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024
