It's a simple clicker/idle game. Something I could see as a phone game app. There's 52 tasks to do in game and I did earn all the achievements. It's very laid back, silly, and plain adorable.

You have a farm to raise chickens; you can sell their eggs to buy new stuff in the market. You have a happiness bar to watch over so they don't leave.

It's a really simple, easy game to play. There's different types of chickens to collect and their animations are hilarious.

Surreal point and click adventure game. You're objective is to deliver letters to the creatures/spirits. The art style is wonderful and perfectly fits this whimsical, dreamlike environment. The background and the creatures have amazing use of color and textures. The audio and music is another highlight of the game.

You're encouraged to wander around and explore. There is no dialogue but everything was straightforward. It wasn't necessary. (Other than maybe the story and trying to understand what is going on lol.) But the mystery was a nice touch.

It is very short and my time includes collecting all the achievements in Steam. It was a nice short experience. I would recommend.

I have played the first Glass Masquerade and I loved it. These are fantastic puzzle games. Classic jigsaw puzzles with beautiful mosaic artwork. Each puzzle feels like a complete treat. Each piece has a theme tied to a quote. The art is wonderfully done and the music eases you into a sense of magic.

I didn't know much about this game before I started playing; I don't even remember how I got it. It has customization for your party (class, race, and character) that change your passive abilities. It was a fun option to make your roles how you envision them. The story is goofy, not to be taken seriously. The graphics are bright and beautiful. The music is nice, matches the game and mood.

It did become very repetitive. Go here, kill this mob. Go there, kill that mob. Get exp. Rest. It was enjoyable for the time I put into it.

An adventure, platform, and puzzle game all in one. I really liked the open world. You're thrown into it after learning the basics. Little push to the direction of your objectives. It really wants you to explore on your own. There's no fighting or fear of fall damage. It made the experience laid back. You can wander around inside caves and old buildings, then outside you transform seamlessly into a bird to fly. It's pretty cool.

It was a short experience. I kind of wish it was a bit longer. But I'm glad none of it felt like filler. The low poly art style is fantastic with the whimsy world and the music/audio is really wonderful. I would recommend it if you want a chill experience.

Monster Prom is a dating sim you can enjoy solo or with 2 - 4 players. The writing is humorous and self aware it is a dating sim. It does use stronger language like cursing; that's how I speak so it was fine with me. The voice acting is fantastic. The art is amazing. Bright, beautiful colors and the characters even have multiple outfits. They're not wearing ONE thing throughout the entire run.

All the characters are fairly cliche in a way. Ex: the werewolf is a dumb jock. The vampire is a hipster that can only enjoy things if they're unpopular. But that works with this ridiculous sim. The more runs you do, the more events you unlock. My only dislike would be some routes are RNG. You can't get certain secret endings unless you are lucky and that's the route the game decides you'll see. A bummer but does encourage you to keep playing. I recommend if you feel silly.

It was an okay experience. It's a ten year old game and (don't hate me please) not a huge Batman universe fan. I'm not super familiar with many of the villains or references. There's a ton of collectables; I imagine fans would appreciate those more than myself. This was before "fast travel" in many games, so the back and forth hunting between areas was tedious.

The fighting was alright. Sometimes fluid, then sometimes not. But hey, Jonathan Crane is in it so that was awesome.

I had more fun in this game than I thought. I figured this was a Stardew Valley clone at first, but it has it's own charm. There is a ton to do and explore; I still don't have every achievement. Many of the residents in Portia have personalities and some have their own quest lines. I didn't bother much with raising animals or crops, because the building kept me more entertained. Toward the end I was waiting around for things to build in my factory. (Also the factory is a godsend.)

I stopped almost as soon as I got the last main story line achievement. It took me so long.

A point and click puzzle game that requires clicking on EVERYTHING.

My pros: the constant eerie atmosphere. The sounds and mood made me on edge nearly the entire game. It felt like there was someone watching me. The sound design was excellent; background noises to make you unsettled. The graphics appear aged; not a "polished" game. But that adds to the moody environment. There are a few animated cutscenes, usually showing simple things like you driving your car to a new location. I did appreciate that the ending had a cutscene. The puzzles were challenging at times. You do have a notebook in the game and you will use it. A lot.

The negatives: The game is eerie and dark. But some locations were D A R K. To the point where I couldn't see a bloody thing. I was stuck and scummed to a guide for a clue I was missing - it was in a poorly lit room. A bummer, but a minor issue. The voice acting wasn't too bad, but sometimes it was lacking. Certain characters just didn't feel real because of the voice. Since you don't really see them, you rely on hearing them.

I'm personally not a fan of main protags not being able to tell the truth in their story. Our protag here will sleep for days and have vivid nightmares. Was it real? Was it fake? Who knows? I'm not a fan of that narrative, so for me that's a negative. I beat the game not knowing...was he actually Howard? Was he involved? Maybe that's just me.

First off, I am in love with the art style in this game. The character and monster designs are crafted with care. Gorgeous illustrations throughout the game and the expressions add charm. The sound is great; close to fully voice acted? All the voices sounded amazing. The music was great and upbeat.

The story does take a turn in the second (?) chapter which thankfully keeps the game from getting too stagnant. It was odd switching perspectives toward the end of the game. It felt unnecessary, like padding to make the game seem longer. It didn't really anything new during that chapter. It would have been better to either focus on the main character or add more to that other perspective earlier in the game.

Another Pokemon game, what is there really to say? The park area is pretty cool. You're able to see Pokemon wander around, even if they're levels above you. It was fun fighting "dungeons" with friends. I like seeing the new Pokemon designs. Always interesting to see what they come up with for the area.

The story is whatever. Stuff doesn't really happen until the very end so...yay? It was fun at first and then kinda started to drag on. Nothing really new about it. Beat this gym, go to the next city and repeat. One city was literally an alley way with nothing in it but the gym leader.

Fantastic minimalist puzzle game. Your objective is to get passengers from one metro stop to another. You "fail" the level when one stop becomes full.You build as you go and it becomes more difficult the longer you play. There are options to play free mode and competitive.

I appreciate the fact I can pause the game and give myself some time to think. I have played other puzzle games that are similar but without a pause option; they quickly become stressful. This was more mellow. I am a designer, so I'm a sucker for the minimal design in the game.

I had more fun in this version of Pokemon Yellow than I did in the newer Pokemon game last November. I loved the fact that you could see the Pokemon in the wild and you could choose a Pokemon to follow you. It felt more true to the anime, like seeing Pikachu always following Ash. It was fun seeing them run, fly, and some you could ride like a mount. (Rhydon is one of my favorites. Your character is perched on their back.)

I forgot how much fighting is in these older games. There are areas you're back to back battling Team Rocket grunts that felt similar to dungeons. Your rival does not heal you in these older games; I was using items left and right at times.

There were so many battles on routes that I am so happy and relieved they switched up the catching mechanics. Similar to the Pokemon Let's Go app, you don't battle Pokemon to catch them. You simply toss a ball. This helped break up the game positively instead of monotonous battle. Even after battling the Elite Four, there's more to do in the game. I don't have any real negative feedback? It was a solid experience and trip to nostalgia town.

An interesting story driven pixel point and click. Following the main character you run into situations that scream "something is definitely wrong." The game does open up to a suicide taking place and there's mention of murder and gore. So if that's not your thing, avoid it. The atmosphere is done well for a pixel game. I had a sense of dread and certain areas I felt I was being watched.

The soundtrack is A++. The lovely instrumental music tracks fit the era and the eerie sounds when necessary. The sound effects and music was the strongest point in the game.

I do wish there was a save option instead of replaying an entire chapter for achievements. I just didn't have it in me. It was a dark ride but I did enjoy the game.

Started the game, watched the opening, and then realized I did not play the first one (oops). I played some hidden object games from this developer and thought I played the first one. I wasn't completely lost on the story since I missed the first. A couple characters were mentioned events from the first but I'm not sure how important it is to play it.

All in all, not a terrible point and click, hidden object game. The highlight was the puzzles themselves. The story leaves you wanting, fairly generic. The characters aren't too interesting. The graphics and voice acting has aged.

But I was still entertained and finished it. I took it less seriously and may have laughed at some of it.