Wow. just wow. Never in my life did I think there would be a game that so closely matches how it feels to play D&D in terms of creativity and open-endedness. While I haven't finished the game at the time of this review, I have over 50+ hours logged, done multiple runs, and yet I haven't even scratched the surface. You can really feel the passion of the developers who poured countless hours into this game. I believe that BG3 is the game that puts Larian studios in the mainstream spotlight. definite GOTY for me.

Skyrim is unironically one of the best games I've ever played and the most frustrating to play. On the one hand, you have some of the best quests and gameplay loop, and on the other, you'll have quests that will bug the rest of your game. I'd say its a great example of having great developers and having terrible management.

as soon as I opened the game my senses were assaulted, both visually and auditorily. as much as I want to like this game, I just can't see myself ever just sitting down and picking this up again.

one of my first purchases on the PS store as a young teenager. this game is what introduced me to metroidvanias and made me develop a love for indie games. I owe a lot to this beautifully created, albeit derivative, platform shooter.

mid ass fighting game but if you want more jojo's, this is for you.

interesting concept for a fighting game. stupid character balancing, however. still can't believe this game used to have actual tournaments.

had a lot of fun during highschool playing this with friends


One of those rockstar games nobody seems to talk about nowadays. even rockstar doesn't seem to care about this franchise, and maybe for good reason. I can see why something like this may be considered problematic, however this doesn't stop it from being one of my favourite all time rockstar titles.

did not expect to like this game as much as I did. fun little gameplay loop with a good amount of different ways to make money. prepare for grandpa's final judgement...

My introduction into the mafia series and boy did it ruin it for me. would not touch another mafia game until years later and found something truly unique. mafia 3 feels like a watered down version of something that used to be beautiful.

you know those shitty phone games that have you playing as a hole and sucking everything into the ground? this is what started it.

I can see why people love this series if they played it as a kid, but unfortunately for me, I played it as an adult. What the fuck is going on half the time? I feel like a make-a-wish kid while playing this game because for no good reason, everyone's fucking here.


Like every other mmorpg, it has a forgettable mainline story and characters. unlike other mmo's however, this game has hands down one of the most fun combat out of all mmo's i've played. Oh yeah this game also lets you play as lolis so... I'm good...