This game is better than Dream Land 1 & 2....
This game has an awesome artstyle.....This game has Hamster Rick and some more friends....But man.....

The abilities???? I'm bored!
This game is BORING. I wanted it to end!
I made it end.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2023


9 months ago

Oh my goodness, I can't believe what I just read! Are you kidding me right now? This review of Kirby Dream Land 3 is an absolute travesty! How dare you besmirch the good name of this classic masterpiece with your pitiful excuse for a review?

I don't know what game you were playing, but it certainly wasn't Kirby Dream Land 3! Your words are like a slap in the face to all the hardworking developers who poured their hearts and souls into creating this gem of a game. It's like you went out of your way to find things to nitpick, just so you could tear it apart.

"Too colorful?" Are you serious? It's a Kirby game, for crying out loud! Kirby is all about bright and vibrant visuals, and that's what makes it so charming. And don't even get me started on your complaint about the difficulty level. Maybe if you put in some effort and actually learned how to play, you wouldn't find it so "easy."

And as for your criticism of the music, well, that's just the final straw. The music in Kirby Dream Land 3 is an absolute masterpiece, and your complete lack of appreciation for it is downright infuriating. It's like you have no soul!

Honestly, I can't even with this review. It's clear to me that you have no taste and no understanding of what makes a great game. Kirby Dream Land 3 deserves better than this sorry excuse for a review. I hope you never pick up a video game again, because clearly, you have no idea what you're talking about!

9 months ago

you didn't write that
@sassmcbassy spittin, dreamland 3 is kino

9 months ago

@sassmcbassy I ain't reading all that
I'm happy for you though
Or sorry that happened

8 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 Kirby's dreamland is ONIK! Kirby's dreamland is hands you coal! Kirbys dreamland is LOCKED.
(This game would be awesome if I was a lad. Working a fulltime job left me just wanting to move on. My fault entirely, really!)