What I noticed right away is that this is a visual novel (VN) that actually nails the visuals. There's a lot of effort put into having numerous custom backgrounds and sprites and also having characters interact with things in the background. It feels nice to play a VN where the visual aspect is given the attention it deserves.

I also appreciate the amount of choice you are given in your own dialogue. There are a numerous amount of responses that cover what you'd reasonably want to say in response to something in almost all circumstances. Better yet, what you say actually matters. Characters will form lasting opinions of you based on what you say and their perceptions of you will actually effect the story in significant ways. Scarlet Hollow also doesn't flaunt the fact that what you're saying matters: there is no "X will remember that" that pops up, because it'd have to pop up every 30 seconds with how often the things you say matter.

The writing is pretty good, it feels smart and the characters are well done. On the whole I like the story, but it isn't finished yet so its hard to truly judge. That's my biggest complaint really, that the game isn't finished yet.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024
