Imagine if they remade this with driving that doesn't suck dick.

Even in this incredibly dull and lazy game one game decision stands out as so nonsensical, unintuitive and perplexing that I can't stop thinking about it. Unlike most other games, where adjusting sound settings is in the options screen by default, to be able to adjust the sound settings in "Pokémon sword" the player must acquire a pair of "Hi-tech Earbuds". These "Hi-tech Earbuds" can only be found after playing for a reasonable amount of time after finding an NPC. This NPC is not required to talk to, they do not stand out and look as poorly made as the other background NPCs. If you don't talk to this NPC you will not be able to adjust your audio settings for the rest of the game.
This might be one of the worst design choices I have ever seen in a video game. I ask myself, who thought this was a good idea? But then I realise, no thinking was involved when creating this decision.

Steaming pile of shite manufactured to get as many positive ratings as possible. It masquerades itself as something deeper but is no more than a 20 minute personality test with humour reminiscent of 2000s Tumblr. At the end it gives you a word so you can leave a positive review and stop your self-loathing for a good five seconds. Even buying this game for a quid I still feel robbed. Fuck you for trying to shove your other shite games down my throat as well. My special word was 'Punani'.

shinin', shinin' shinin', shinin' shinin', shinin' shinin', shinin'.

Bring back gaming to its roots please.

Masafumi Takada didn't have to make a soundtrack so good, on a game so shit.

Make another OutRun and make it beautiful.

The best part of this game will be always be speaking to the strangest of humans in voice chat.

The mini-games were 1000x better then the real shit.

Bro get out i'm shidding

If this game had a smell it would be fucking Lynx Africa.

I didn't expect story mode in a Tetris game to be good but I did expect it to be fucking stupid. Instead it's just boring. There's two cutscenes and a game of Tetris where you have to level up your mino. At a certain point you will no longer be able to level up your mino so the best thing to do is kill yourself and then restart.

Not as good as Reel Fishing II but it's not like you care. Beautiful soundtrack however.