Man, this is the most "ok" video game of all time
It's just a video game, it's playable, though it doesn't mean it's fun it's just playable
It has a story, it's not really good but it's a story
It has an open world, it's pretty good looking but it's pretty boring

Do you see what I'm getting at? Well, that's Forspoken for you, just a safe AAA release in the veins of a Ubisoft game.
I don't really have much to say about this game honestly I can't remember half of this darn game... So I'll try to point out some of the positives I remember from this game.

The graphics are really nice and reminds me of Elden Ring with cool broken towers and castles though it just ended up making me want to play Elden Ring instead of this game.
Some of the dialogue is pretty cute and wholesome and even with how "cringe" and "marvelish" it is it does have some moments I liked with some decent and some boring characters, this game is one huge mixed bag of boring and decent.

The gameplay is alright, it starts off as a terribly boring "Spam R2 to deal 1 damage to bullet sponge enemies" to somewhat decent but still suffers from the bullet sponges enemies and just being spam R2 for the entire game, worse of all it's boring and pressing R1 repeatedly hurts my weak little wrist.

Even if the open world looks good the content in it is awfully repetitive as it's just "Kill X enemies to get reward" or "Visit X spot to take a photo" so just the average crap you'd find in a AAA open world just to complete the worthless completion list for worthless reward. In my playthrough I skipped almost all of the side content because it just wasn't interesting at all, I'll give a thumbs up to this game for letting us rush straight to the boss without being forced to do random side quests.

And the most controversial part of the game, the story and dialogue. It's bad, it's just not original and I feel like I've seen this story a billion times before. I got nothing else to say about it the writing is just bad and it's all so predictable it's painful.

Sorry, that was a messy review but it's Forspoken I doubt anyone will bother reading this.

Should you buy this game? for like 20$ sure but fuck 80$ at release? that's a scam.
Was it worth playing? Not really but I'm sure some people can find some enjoyment in this game.
Should you play it? No idea.

My favorite part was when you use the fast travel in the game she says "Wow that was fast" because fast travel is instantaneous on PS5.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2023
