I'm sorry to say that I do not like Super Mario Bros on the NES, I can already hear the Nintendo Youtubers outside of my house...

This game is a platformer game alright, it's the iconic NES game that helped the industry and bla bla bla, the type of talk you'd hear in a video essay about the NES or Mario's history but if we remove the historical context out of this game it becomes pretty mediocre.
Instead of praising this game for doing things first, I think it would be more fun to talk about its flaws, for example, the terrible momentum physics. Playing this game after playing Mario Maker 2 really shows how terrible the momentum is and how easy it is to miss a jump with the weird accelerations that just never seem to be right.
Something else that I hate is the 8 worlds that are pretty much the damn same, I can't force myself to even play worlds 1-3 because why would I, the warp zone is right there! The temptation is just too strong! With each world having pretty much the same stage layout and order it gets really boring and repetitive, and with that 1-up trick you can have enough lives to remove any difficulty from the game and pretty much just turns the game into a 100 Mario challenge from Mario Maker.
The stages and enemies, you can tell me a billion times that the 1-1 stage is the most iconic stage and how smart it is for the player or whatever the Nintendo YouTubers keep repeating as if they all shared the same game essay, you can't tell me that anything outside of 1-1 and 1-2 are actually well-designed stages, at best I'll give you the entirety of World 1 but anything past that is bullshit with terrible enemies like the cheep cheep and hammer bros, or the GIGANTIC lava bar from the castle stages... these just sucks man...

Do take this with a grain of salt as this is how I view this game and this is my opinion and not yours, you might think this game is a timeless masterpiece and that's good for you but I don't think this means it should be free from actual criticism even if it's an old piece of media.
This game did age tremendously well compared to other NES games from that era like Clu Clu Land and many others and I do well acknowledge that fact.

Reviewed on Jun 12, 2023
