This game makes me feel miserable.

The first official sequel to the first Armored Core game and it's pretty much the same as how it always was with the exception of having nicer graphics. So what's so awful if it's supposed to be the same as its predecessor and especially when I liked the original, alright so what made me enjoy the original was that its a pretty neat mech game from the PS1 era so seeing the same thing pulled out 3 years later and also with the yearly released spinoffs of the PS1 games which all were standalone expansions of the original game therefore also being the same thing.
But you know what's bad? When you copy your predecessor but fail to be as good as it used to be, this game has horrible missions which are either frustrating or just too hard, the quality control in this game is inexistent, and I keep seeing people defend the arena game mode and I respect them enjoying it but all I'm seeing is that I'm battling against dogshit ai that just jumps around and the only difficulty comes from them spamming op bullets at me, there is no strategy it's just a competition of who bought the best upgrade and whose gonna last the longest alive.

This game did not age well and I'm already terrified to check out the sequels. Should you play it? Not really, I'm pretty sure there are better entries that come after, or so I've heard, and sincerely hope.

Reviewed on Jun 18, 2023
