The long-awaited indie gem Pizza Tower has finally been released after years of Demos, and I am pleased to say that it not only met my expectations (Which were extremely high) but exceeded them!

Perhaps the biggest pill to swallow for some is the graphical style, and yes, it's not for everyone, but I personally adore it. The rough cartoon-style designs are accompanied by hilarious off-model expressions, with brilliantly done animation to boot. Every inch of this game's art is filled to the brim with personality from its enemies and bosses to its blocks and walls, it's really a treat, and a unique look for sure. To accompany the looks, it's also equipped with a truly excellent soundtrack. Lots of notes taken from the Sonic series, Hideki Naganuma (JSR/Rush) and most prominently from Wario Land 4, utilising samples from these and instruments from the GBA to create something that, while obviously inspired, stands alone as its own brilliantly creative and banging OST. Every level has a unique track, and multiple different remixes for each track sprinkled throughout. Some tracks are more chilled back and relaxed, notably the secret stages, but when this game wants to get your heart pumpin' and your blood rushing, it really holds nothing back! Not a single song, jingle or sound is a miss in this game.

Pizza Tower won't be winning any awards for its story, but it serves its purpose, and the world and characters bring enough personality to the table for this not to be a problem. Pizza face bad and has a giga weapon at the top of the tower so go stop him!!!!

But of course, the most prestigious aspect of this game that truly puts it above any other. The gameplay, and wow, the game design in this game truly just blows me away. The oft-brought-up idea among sonic fans, usually around defending Sonic The Hedgehog 1, is the idea that Speed, is not simply something granted to the player, its the idea of being rewarded with speed and momentum for skilful play that makes such a great experience; and Pizza Tower takes this idea and PERFECTs it. On a good run, you can blast your way through the level, getting every point possible and every secret without taking a second to slow down even once, but that is no easy feat. yet still not an impossible one! Its intensely challenging, but never unfair. The fun of this game is truly felt when replaying the levels, going for that perfect run, as the levels are designed in a way where it really isn't out of your reach to do so, the speed-based movement options just flow so well with the intricately designed levels to all add up to a fantastic time! Conversely, the bosses are fast-paced challenging bouts with creative attack patterns and foes to tackle, giving further justification and use for parry mechanic. And hey, even if this intense reaction-based gameplay isn't for you, you are more than welcome to take a more tactful stroll through each stage, focusing on searching out for those secrets!

In conclusion, this game is really something special. It takes ideas from games such as Wario Land 4, Super Metroid and Sonic The Hedgehog, and manages to make a product better than the sum of its parts. Definitely worth a play, and if you do give it a try, make sure to go for those S and P ranks, it really makes the game that much better.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2023
