Cleared on May 17th, 2024 (SEGA Genesis Challenge: 72/160)

With colorful graphics and a sexy looking magician with a monster accompanying her, the game makes a very good visual impression with some great music. That said, the game looks better than it plays. Not that the gameplay is terrible or anything, but there are some oddities in the gameplay.

One problem is that enemies will infinitely respawn at certain points and while you do have the tools to deal with multiple enemies at once, if you're hoping to clear them out and move along, more enemies will come in before you can even move, so you would need to brute force your way through.
Another problem is that dodging attacks is very difficult. It can be remedied through the fire spirit who is the only spirit that can actually absorb projectile damage without losing health as it has a built-in shield although at least the game has the courteousy to lay out health potions and give you a good amount of a health to withstand damage.
And there have been some clunk in the movement as there are sometimes where landing lag will happen and other times it won't which can make some sections that involve reactive jumping more difficult.
Lastly, bosses at the final 3 stages take a very long time to take down with the 6th stage boss being so bad. Oh my god. Diagonal terrain makes it hard enough to move around and avoid attacks as is, but when you combine that with a rapidly moving background, you can barely make out your surroundings or where the bullets are.

This game is flawed, but it's a weird case where I actually enjoyed it despite this. The game is a 2D action game where you traverse through lands to fight monsters and defeat some priest from awakening "his master". But you're not alone for you have a monster companion of your own.

Alisia on her own can unleash a lightning bolt that spreads onto multiple targets and deal decent damage, but her companions, DragonFyre can spew fireballs and at max level can fire three at a time. Good for open areas. Ball O'Fire which can damage foes on contact and shield you from projectiles. Very niche offensively to the point where I thought it was useless, but seeing it absorb projectiles in the 7th stage boss makes me think I may have underestimated it. Thunder Raven winds up an storm nuke that damages all foes on the screen. Easily my favorite and works in any scenario. Boomerang Lizard fires boomerangs at foes which makes it a decent alternative to the Dragon.

You get them all in the beginning of the game, but it is important to switch between them since they can take damage and even die. I haven't verified if they can be revived, but I imagine through finding meat with them active can maybe bring them to life.

I guess the coolness factor just elevates this game for me with being able to unleash lightning on your foes with pets to assist you. Sure the game does get tough, but with the potions and meat lying around, it can be bearable as long as you understand the game's workings, but at the same time, the difficulty and bad enemy placement does make it probably the weakest of all the 4 star games I have reviewed on the Sega Genesis thus far.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
