Gameplay is mediocre, 4-element rock paper scissors puzzles with beautiful visuals and storytelling.

Biggest problem I had with the game is that combat is repetitive and lacks depth. Controlling 2 characters is fun at first, but Cereza’s abilities all boil down into holding a single button. Cheshire is fun to beat up guys with, but enemies are very basic outside of 3 major boss fights in the game. Since Cheshire is also immortal, most encounters pose virtually no challenge. The two characters rarely interact in combat to do combos, which could’ve been a fun way to make Cereza more interesting in combat.

Puzzles/collectibles mostly boil down to the rock-paper-scissors type interactions, which I didn’t find interesting enough to collect everything (finished the story at 82%).

Also, Witch Pulse is a very simple, boring and slow mechanic, no wonder they made the option to turn it off.

The visuals and story are amazing, lots of cool environments and the art style is really something out if a fairy tale. I enjoyed the aesthetics a lot and how the story unfolds. I just wish the gameplay was better because at the end I just wanted to get it over with.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
