Without any semblance of exaggeration Nier Automata is one of the greatest whole video games ever created and absolutely pinnacle design in so many different areas. There is just too much to praise about one of the most incredibly gaming experiences out there. The game has easily a top 5 soundtrack in all of gaming history and one of the most impactful stories ever told through the medium. World design, character design, narrative structure, and even things like quality of life features and UI all are what every game should strive for. Platinum Games' action combat is the cherry on top, acting as the gorilla glue that holds every other wonderful part of the game together, promising that there is never a dull moment. The chip system is also one of my favorite action RPG customization systems, letting you make very different styles that drastically alter the way you play, while not being any more complicated than it needs to be. Just to add to the list, NieR: Automata also has the best sidequests that I have ever played in a video game period, with nearly every single one worth going through, with very few that have nothing significant to add to the experience. The climax of this game has some of the most devastating and memorable individual moments that I have seen in media, and when I had finally finished I just could not stop thinking about what I had just experienced and the very important philosophical questions that lingered. There are so many moments, characters, fights, and more that, each backed up by another unforgettable track from Keiichi Okabe, formulate absolutely one of the greatest achievements of the video game medium to date.

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2021
