On it's own this game is pretty okay. It has some pretty unique ideas, as the first game did, and MOST of them are executed pretty well. It definitely does improve on the vacuum mechanics of the first game and honestly translates the 'combat' concept quite well to the 3DS.

On the other hand, this game totally botched the atmosphere that to me is such an important part of the original game. I really, really missed the style of the first game that was at least TRYING in some parts to be a horror game, with some genuinely unnerving parts. This game does not take itself seriously, which in its own right does work in order to achieve the more 'silly' style that it is going for, but it is very difficult to compare it to look back on the first game and miss its simpler and darker format. The level based system is also kind of eh, in the same way it is for the Paper Mario games: it ruins immersion and feels too segmented, never quite allowing you a complete, linear experience but awkwardly jumps from chapter to chapter.

Regardless, this game is not bad by any means, and is largely a pretty enjoyable experience throughout as it focuses more on the puzzle part of the game than the creepy. The mechanics are more refined than the original game and does have some great boss fights and interesting ideas, and ultimately paved the way for an even better sequel.


Reviewed on Dec 28, 2021
