Another game I totally forgot to log for some reason.

Luigi's Mansion 3 may still not emulate the special atmosphere that the first game in the series has, but it is a step closer to that game than Dark Moon was while being a step UP in terms of puzzles compared to the first. The game is a puzzle game to its core and has a ton of really neat and creative rooms and setups that are masterfully crafted and wholly satisfying to figure out. Every bit of the game is lush with attention to detail and a memorable layer of charm that is a great example of what Nintendo is capable of in these regards that really nobody else is. Luigi's Mansion 3 is one of the Switch's strongest titles and something that anyone could get a high level of enjoyment out of. While it's still not exactly the atmosphere that I want out of the series, it achieves everything it set out to do with smart, varied puzzle designs and a myriad of charm.


Reviewed on Jan 27, 2022
