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This game actually had some potential upon release but it never transpired into anything truly good. It's not surprising that it eventually died.

I did somewhat enjoy the PvE content, I liked visiting places in real life and then fighting "dark wizards" through the app. I actually preferred PvE in this game compared to PvE in Pokémon GO as it felt so much more engaging. I also thought the way they integrated Portkeys through AR was pretty cool.

Everything else felt so lacking however. The gameplay feels stale very quickly. The whole premise of "unconfounding" items around the world did not feel very "Harry Potter" and just felt like a lazy reskin of Pokémon GO. I also wish there were more to do with our Houses. Instead, it just changed the color of your character's silhouette? Why can't there be different challenges we can do for our House? Or a House Cup between the Houses? Niantic was able to incorporate some PvP in Pokémon GO via the three different teams, so how they were able to blunder this aspect so badly bewilders me.

The game lacked the immersion that a Harry Potter game should have. That, along with Niantic's track record of poor decision-making, ultimately killed the game.