great game if you hate women. for everyone else it's one of the edgiest, most mean-spirited, misogynistic piles of shit in the medium. kojima go to hell challenge.

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2021


3 years ago

iff u skippe all csutscene beter game tahn panther pain

2 years ago

if you don’t think anything about what is done to Paz in Ground Zeroes is misogynistic then I genuinely don’t think there’s any hope for you

2 years ago

oh the person deleted their comment weird

2 years ago

Wait wasn't the whole point that it was super fucked up? I don't remember MGSV very well but I vaguely remember the villains doing a ton of fucked up shit in audio logs and then the game ended with one more super terrible thing. (I'm being vague for spoilers)

Maybe I'm just misunderstanding you but that kinda seems like saying Isayama advocates genocide or the holocaust because he wrote Attack on Titan.

2 years ago

Oh fuck, this is from a year ago

2 years ago

it's not about whether or not what is happening is portrayed as fucked up. it's about whether or not it was handled with care, maturity, and nuance, and Ground Zeroes has none of these, it is pure exploitation and shock value, the most overwrought and miserable fridging in all of video games.

also that example you used. lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao