I absolutely love this game!
I played this on day 1 release on PS4 originally and didn't have any bugs or issues but it was obviously not finished
After 2ish years i got it on Steam and loved the game, the updates have made this game so much more playable and smooth, it's a fun game and you can sink hours into this game

Graphically it looks beautiful especially with the ray tracing enabled and graphics on the highest settings, unless your PC is a monster it may lose frames with the ray tracing but it's not a necessity but really does look amazing

Story is good but not the most amazing story to experience but it's something to enjoy atleast, there's ALOT of side quests you can do and side jobs to keep you busy, level up and find more cars and weapons to use which can help alot later in the main missions. It's definitely worth playing

Combat is great, like the witcher games you just choose which weapons you want to use and it tells you which guns are better than others although using your mighty katana's is where it's at! Those beasts will tear through anyone!

The driving can sometimes take a little to adjust too but once you're used to it, it's not so bad, i prefer driving with the camera on the inside of the car but sometimes an outer view helps too.

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2022
