Solid, short puzzle game that explores its design space well. The aesthetic is really impressively put together, sound and visuals both really selling the setting. It feels like it takes some definite cues from Killer 7, which is an aesthetic that I feel has been getting picked up more often of late.

WARNING for anyone considering it:
Other than the heavy themes of family death, violence, cult indoctrination and sexual abuse that you might expect... this is a PUZZLE GAME. If you go into it expecting it to be sniper elite, you may very well be disappointed.

I feel like the title might be a reference to an old Rage Against the Machine song. Which is an odd choice, if so. The song is about the indigenous liberation movement of Chiapas so equating the subject matter with a cult might not have been the best choice! I highly doubt this was intentional by the dev however, so it's mostly an academic observation.

Overall, I can recommend giving this game a go. It wasn't terribly expensive, the game has a very unique vibe that really works for it and I've played anything quite like it in terms of mechanics. It feels a little like if you were to cross together Killer 7, Sniper Elite and Superhot, yet still kept it all your own in terms of mechanics and aesthetic. Definitely a game that's worth your time.

Reviewed on May 02, 2024
