I'm genuinely surprised to be telling you I like this. But I totally did. For most of this game I was of the opinion it was real bloated open world garbo, and it's still like 20% that don't get me wrong, but the ending really fucking blew me away. I am a sucker for some cheap theatrics, of course, but I genuinely didn't think I'd give a shit about this game's narrative the entire time up until the final moments of the plot.

Spoiler warning, I guess, but if you didn't play this and are skeptical I'm gonna assume you don't give a shit about spoilers anyway. I certainly wouldn't.

Far Cry 5's final mission, if you choose "Resist" when confronting the villain (because of course you would. why the fuck wouldn't you? I looked up the two other endings, I don't understand why they were included, lol), you enter this final arena that exists outside of the reality of the game prior. Some Ghostbusters shit. Giant walls of green fog and genuine mind control from the cult leader villain that's been hyped up as a more genuine, human threat prior. Upon breaking the mind control of one of my squadmates and hearing their voice line, it clicked. I recognized the voice and felt some sort of sadness for them.

And then, the game inevitably ends with the cult leader being 'right' about their doomsday prediction, and the voice actors give some performances they straight up weren't giving the rest of the game. They're playing some country-rock song vaguely talking about hellfire and the end of things while you try to escape it, maybe I would have recognized it better if I hadn't just gone "okay kinda funny" and ignored it for the dialogue, but it's all a real emotional mish-mash to throw at ya so suddenly there. I was genuinely terrified because of the voicework. It reminded me of some of the people in my life and how they'd talk when going through an awful panic attack. This compounded with the inherent silliness of the song choice and the apocalypse imagery all coming at you at 55 miles an hour, and then like some score multiplier it all worked for me even more because of how shocked I was that I even gave a shit.

Sometimes all you need is a wowza of an ending to get some positive reception from me. Maybe that's true of other people, too. Or maybe I'm a fucking idiot. Hard to say!

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2024
