Ahhh! Had to quit this one, sorry! AC1 is a fucking mess I wouldn't replay that if you told me I needed to get to Chapter 3 of it or I die. But AC2? Well, I hated it as a young 'un, but well, every one else likes it so maybe I'm wrong?

Turns out: kinda was! Kinda! It's not a half-bad game, but some levels can be a little limiting in a game that otherwise is throwing 4 or so methods at you, and that's what killed me. Despite all the crazy conspiracy shit, despite the intriguing stuff connecting the past and present, and despite my inherent love of historical tourism, the mission Port Authority stopped me from finishing this. My brain's just not made for it, sorry! I quit this as a kid cuz the first 10 or so hours are just a tutorial, still rather egregious, but once I was past it I was loving it! That level that made me quit, though...I don't know! I looked up a million guides and each time, somehow, the simple ass AI just so happened to deviate from the preset path in that video guide right when I hit the 5-10 minutes of trying mark. So sad, I was so close to finishing it!

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2022


1 year ago

That mission is infuriating and I dread playing it every time I replay the game. AFAIK these missions back in Florence were originally DLC content, but the PC version (& the remaster) seamlessly integrated it into the main story. They really should have added the option to skip it.
@penumbra oh my god that's fucked up lmao