3 reviews liked by XanderTalkGames



On one hand, Wet is a very unique and stylish game. It's concept is a lot of fun, the music is kickin and Rubi is a great badass female protagonist not reliant on sex appeal that swears a lot and I really appreciated that. But on the other hand, this is a janky mess with terrible controls and questionable design choices.

The game has a lot of clear grindhouse inspiration and it gives the game a really unique feel to it. Most of the gameplay is from acrobating (i dont care if thats not a word) around in slow motion and shooting at enemies or slicing them with your sword. While this is awesome in theory, the controls are just so janky that especially for the pure platforming sections Rubi controls like a melted stick of butter wearing roller skates on ice. Admittedly this does help the combat feel more fun when it actually works, but it usually just makes things more annoying and the game feel unresponsive. This is especially annoying when paired with some really annoying checkpoints, especially ones that spawn you right before a mash qte to open a door (Rubi even swears at the door out of annoyance while doing this) so if you die a bunch you'll have to keep spamming to open the door again and again and when its platforming sections where one mistake is basically death, yeah its rough. Theres also the gunplay. Slow dodging, sliding and jumping through the air like its max payne on (even more) cocaine is great but the shooting itself is actually pretty terrible, theres a weird delay when aiming which is not great with how fast you need to react to things and a lot of enemies especially towards the end can just start to feel incredibly spongey. Theres also a lot of sections of the game where you're in a small arena and you have to block off doors to stop enemies from continuously spawning. These sections after the first few just get annoying and make the game feel very repetitive. The color pallet is also that same dull one common in this era but for once it actually fits with style of the game and this one has enough visual variety to not be too much of a bother. Final complaint is that the whole final level seemed to crank up all the annoying shit I just mentioned up to 11, so despite really getting into the game in the few levels beforehand, that kinda left a sour taste in my mouth upon completion, especially when the finale itself just felt really awkward and abrupt

All that being said, for all its jank and uneven edges Im really glad I got play this. It feels like a relic of its times, a perfect example of an experimental PS3 game full of as much jank as there is charm, a main character that runs around calling the enemies fucktards... they just dont make games like this anymore. And that makes me a little sad.

Trophy Completion - 40% (24/41)
Time Played - 8 hours 39 minutes
Nancymeter - 67/100
Game Completion #63 of 2022
May Completion #13

I wanted to like this game so much more than I did, but It seemed to be very insistent on the opposite. This may be the most reluctant 3/5 I ever give. First of all, the story is surprisingly good. The ending is a bit rushed but otherwise few complaints there. It makes a good use of its setting and Kratos is a badass protagonist. I was always looking forward to the next cutscene. The problem is everything inbetween that. The gameplay has quite frankly aged terribly. Combat is a staggerfest full of spongebobs that take so much damage it make Kratos feel like a tiny baby man. All of his moves and animations are pretty fun though. The worst part is the platforming and puzzles. Some sequences have like one second margin of error before you're dead or have to restart. This is most frustrating because the camera is abhorrent and is your worst enemy in the game. Plus the red orbs for upgrades basically get dripfed until endgame and make any sense of progression feel kinda pointless. All the annoyances just made the game really unfun for me a lot of the time, and if it werent for the good story and great setting (plus a lot of titties, there are so many in this game) this would've been a 2/5 at best.

Trophy Completion - 82%
Time Played - 9 hours 45 Minutes
Nancymeter - 59/100
Game Completion #39 of 2022
April Completion #8

Excellent at being perfectly decent. Gameplay is fun enough but not something i can see myself going back to often