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These aren't getting better.
The first one barely worked just for the sole reason of being short. A stupidly annoying drone mechanic, an egghunt puzzle which is just as bad, and the bird thing, which is the only decent idea in the game (but the way that scene is built is still some atrocious game design). That's all there is, it's very short. This one though is three times longer, and has three times as many opportunities to fuck up which it does without fail.
You can skip at least 2 parts ("puzzles"?) in this game because of how broken it is. The whole classroom part is very awkward and the logic in it is very questionable. There is an overlong parkour sequence, but the controls are not platforming friendly, to put it lightly, so it turns into actual hell. The graphics settings are weird as well, my computer can't handle the hyporrealistic graphiscs this game has, so I had everything on medium or low. But little did I know, the "lighting quality" setting is actually "lighting amount", if it's put on "low" you can't see some things, including one of the buttons you need to complete a puzzle. Got me stuck for 10 minutes. The cannons puzzle is agonizingly slow and too simple to feel anything but boredom. But the fact that there are cannons all over the place is a nice touch, made me laugh. Also why is there an underground liminal apartment building under a daycare? I can accept the lab where clay-people are made and turned into local mascots (Spy Kids, anyone?), but come on that thing is there just because kids like liminal spaces. Also the fucking Squid/Snail game thing. This whole game is just a bunch of roblox maps put together.
Uh. Why am I ranting over a game made for small children? I don't know. I just haven't played a game this bad in a long time.
The one thing I actually liked is something I somehow skipped over during my playthrough and that is that huge worm creature you can see halfway through the game. No idea what it is but it's pretty unnerving.

So, are kids these days really into genetic experiments on humans? And I thought the fnaf fascination was weird.