Infinite Wealth was a ride which left me giving alot of hope with it's huge ambitious story. The tale of Ichiban Kasuga and Kazuma Kiryu who have to face things together this time, while one deals with facing the past of it's kind and the other is entrusted with the future of it.

There's alot to talk about, with it's amazing gameplay, quality of life improvements, side content especially the Dondoko Island, Sujimon battles and last but not least the bucket list which I spent alot of hours on having the most joy and sadness while playing, it unbelievably is it's magnum opus made for us long running fans who've stuck with it from its beginning, it's unbelievably rewarding and ultimately pays off from the culmination of its 9 games.

It stays core to its series and delivers one heck of a story worth remembering, seeing the best in all of people and to change whenever you still have time left. To be courageous and face your own battles ahead whenever the time comes up. While it has it's usual flaws in it and leaves questions unanswered it doesn't invalidate the approach taken with it's whole ending which I can say is one of the greatest conclusions to my favorite character ever.

The Dragon of Dojima who has faced alot of people throughout his life, which left an impression on them and in turn gave him back the strength to push forward in his most difficult times which continues to influence him in this game much more than ever, every foe he's faced in his life to keep the dragon of his unwavering continues to do so towards his final chapter.

Ichiban's journey as always was great and finds ways to make friends along the way this time facing a foe which was a perfect foil to everything he stands for, while the villains were weak and dumbed down with it's motivations here it was still something to come through his character arc and it hit home to me yet again.

This game gave me alot of hope to where the series would look forward to go and I'm really looking forward to it's future adventures with our protagonist Ichiban Kasuga and the gang. I wish I could talk more about this game, but I feel more than satisfied with how I'm writing this down now to what means something special to me, I'll love this series forever. Kazuma Kiryu you're the greatest of all time.
Thank you RGG.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

i'll be there in a couple of years