The actual game itself isn't much to write home about, but with friends it's one of my favorite games to play. The more people, the better with this one. All the chaos and aggressive teamwork makes it a perfect party game.

Does exactly what it intends to do, it's a clicker game. It's highly addicting with no real substance. I had fun with it but the end my 18 hours would've been better spent on anything else.

I've had a lot of fun with the sims 4, but it's one of those games that's getting worse the more time passes. EA's continued monitization of basic gameplay concepts that should be there for free and continued content updates that only show how bare the game was at launch just demonstrate more and more how much of a cashgrab the Sims 4 is. I don't hate the game for what it is, but I have a massive issue with what it represents and the company behind it. I'd say it's 3 stars gamewise, 4 and a half with the wonderful community mods, and 1 in terms of the philosophy at the sims 4. It all rounds up at a measily 2 stars. Play the sims 3 if you want more customization and the sims 2 if you want more story.

I grew up with the HD version of Unleashed, so I have a thick layer of bias here. But even my objective analysis agrees that this version is inferior to its HD sibling. But that's saying the obvious and unfair, the point of this game is to be the inferior but still good version of Unleashed for the less powerful consoles of its generation. I myself had a very fun romp with this game. The daytime sections are very fun and akin to an endless runner in gameplay. The night sections are very plentiful and more tedius in how they control than the hd version, but how much more brief they are makes up for it. Weirdly, the final boss fight is vastly surperior to the one in HD. The story's the same and still very wonderful to me, but sliiightly less effective due to the lack of a hubworld and some stages being missing. Overall, I recommend the HD version any day, but I would totally recommend this version to someone like me who's played HD Unleashed so many times that its second nature and want to spice things up.

It could be a fun game, the premise is good. It's just queasy in execution. Platforming is frustrating, the angle you play at is disorientating, the flickies you try to rescue often work against you rather than with you, and it is a very long game despite its few worlds. I would love to play more, I want to finish every Sonic game no matter how bad, but the checkerboard isometric floor and camera trigger my motion sickness like no other game does. It's worth trying if you want the credit for playing every Sonic game, but I'd recommend most other games over this one.