(beat as Lilac; not super inclined to go back and play as the other two characters)

This is a decent 2D action-platformer, pretty heavily influenced by games like Sonic and Rocket Knight Adventures, among others. I was encouraged to give this game a try by various people, so I went ahead and gave it a shot. (I should note that I'm not a huge Sonic fan, personally, though I think some of the 2D Sonics are okay)

With that in mind, I had an okay time playing through this. Lilac has a neat moveset, with various melee attacks and means of movement to traverse obstacles (particularly her rocket attack, which is literally what Sparkster uses - the fact the recharge time for it is so slow is a drag, though). I did feel like the level design felt a bit meandering, however - I kinda wish the levels felt more focused and trimmed-down. These stages can last an incredibly long time (15-20 minutes each, generally), which feels very long to me. I also feel like the game's difficulty curve is a bit weird - the game is generally very easy, but then at a couple specific points, it suddenly becomes absurdly difficult, with little effort made to ramp things up ahead of time. At any rate, the lives system is basically pointless, so you can figure out how to proceed if you just keep trying over and over. Whether that's a good thing or not will depend on what you look for from a 2D action-platformer; I can say that I have no interest in going back to try and 1CC this game, personally.

There's also a story, which is... interesting? I get a very 2000s-era fanfic vibe from it. I was never in the Sonic fandom myself, but having been involved with various other fandoms in the 2000s, and being pretty geeky and passionate about other series' lore - I can see this game's writing and presentation really clicking with a specific kind of person. I am not that person, however.

(also, that one scene in Lilac's story (you know the one) is hilarious in a way that really does not feel intentional, lmao)

So, all in all, I appreciate Freedom Planet for what it is, even if it's pretty clearly not targeted at me. I think it's cool that something as fan-driven as this is able to exist. It could very well be worth checking out, but I think your enjoyment may hinge on how much you really enjoy Sonic.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2024
