Icey 2016

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 14, 2023

First played

April 13, 2023

Platforms Played


Spent about 3 hours in this game and still have no idea what it's about. The story is nonexistent because it's trying to be meta? Ok but the only 'meta' I've seen so far are shitty narrator jokes and me getting teleported to the home screen. The combat is not terrible but it's nothing to write home about. Not to mention the enemies are scaled super weird, they all seem to have absurdly high amounts of HP and barely recoil from most of your attacks. Icey can do some pretty cool combos though. Anyways a boring story carried by it's fairly average hack-and-slash combat is not a good fit for me. I may or may not finish this game.

This game may be below average but good lord the Icey fanart...