It's weird. Movement is your basic 8-directional WASD. Only one button is used to interact with the environment. Yet Cocoon ends up having some of the most complex and thought-provoking puzzle mechanics in any game to date.

It's weird. Cocoon is literally Inception as a video game. The core idea is that multiple worlds exist simultaneously, and you have the ability to jump between worlds, into a world, out of a world, out of a world again, out of a world again... Worlds can be placed inside each other, leading to some mind-boggling puzzle design.

It's weird. The world (or should I say worlds?) is vibrant and bizarre, teeming with extra-terrestrial life- some of which is essential to solving the many puzzles that obstruct your path. Cocoon has no dialogue, no instructions. Yet it feels as if you have lived in these worlds all your life. Picking up worlds and interacting with these alien mechanisms all felt like second nature to me. You don't learn how to play this game. Cocoon doesn't tell you how. You teach yourself.

The powerful, cosmic soundtrack follows you throughout your journey. And it very noticeably plays a short crescendo each time you complete a puzzle. Almost as if to congratulate you on your success. On a sheer game design level, Cocoon is flawless. There is not a single point in the game where you become deadlocked and have to restart from a previous checkpoint. If you're unable to complete a puzzle, you're not thinking hard enough.

But it's still weird. I've been singing nothing but praises so far, yet I'll tell you right now that I would probably never replay this game. I like this game, and yet I sometimes can't stand it. Is that weird? I love the concept of jumping between worlds, the boss fights that each utilized their own unique gameplay mechanics, and just the overall tone of the game- one of a surreal, exotic alien universe with unfamiliar creatures and mechanisms. But still, puzzle games aren't exactly my cup of tea. I can't deny that it definitely felt like a slog at times, with the gameplay loop really only being puzzle after puzzle broken by the occasional boss fight. Thankfully though, Cocoon doesn't overstay its welcome, only totaling about 6 hours for completion.

Yeah, Cocoon is weird. But a good kind of weird. Definitely give it a shot.

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2024
