Mephiles:: " Welcome to my house, as you can see I've knocked down many chairs because I get so tilted at the towers"

Sliver: "uhh, this isn't really a tiled or a tower"

Mephiles: "Well you see, it's a gamer pad, not many girls come in here because I get friend zones so frequently, but thats ok"

Silver: "I'd like to be in the friend zone, I like friends!"

Mephiles: "It's not as pleasant as you think, they don't treat you like a friend, they treat you like an item, sometimes I wish I could be more just than an accessory to these women, but unfortunately as a gamer, I don't get respect"

Silver: "Well im not a gamer... so maybe they will respect me!"

Mephiles: "That just makes you a beta cuck, Thats the difference between you and I Silver The Hedgehog, im a, im a alpha gamer"

all laughing

Mephiles: "Anyway, where we... were we dropping boys?"

Original video clip from Snapcube Sonic 06 fan dub

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2022
