Disc 1 (Evolution) is kinda terrible. They added a new control scheme where you can finally use your right stick for camera control but i'm so used to the old controls i reverted to them after one mission. They also rebalanced everything. Those balances changes are mostly ass, like for example machine guns now have to reload every X shots which is stupid. The game's easy overall, but it never felt satisfying to play in the sense that unlike previous games i never really got to a point where my machine was an unstoppable behemoth, which is fun! the heat mechanic is now HORRIBLE, boosting now heats your mech and a lot of powerful boosters just melt your radiator it's no fun

The game also has changed the entire economy. Now selling parts doesn't give you back as much money as buying them, which is a stupid change because that means you can't just try out a new part for free now! But don't worry, it doesn't matter because every mission gives you 10 times more money than the repair/ammo cost, and so you're virtually never gonna run out of money. At this point why even have a shop, when you can virtually buy a brand new mech in like 5 missions (even without selling your current parts). They also made the shop UI worse than in AC3/SL which is really funny

They also got rid of the arena, now you just sometimes have missions that are 1v1 AC fights and that's it. The other missions are as uninteresting as ever, but i feel overall they're even shorter than ever. the last boss is somehow even funnier than the AC2 another age last boss in the category of "wait why is this dude the final boss"

Disc 2 (Revolution) is kinda cute but also eh? you play remakes of missions from Armored Core, Project Phantasma and Master of Arena, and they all have a reverse side (play for the opposite camp) and/or and extended side (a followup to the og mission) that adds more lore to them. It's cool conceptually, but since the mission design never really evolved it's not as cool as it could have been, even if there's some really cool fanservices for fan of the PS1 games. Had this disc not been here i would probably only have given 2.5 stars to the game, but even with this i still wouldn't recommend Nexus tbh

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2023
