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This is an obvious paid Ace Attorney fangame and that will understandably put people off. I won’t sugarcoat the flaws of this game: Amateur writing, breakneck pacing, inconsistent art, VERY messy ending… I am sorry for being harsh, but this is far from achieving true excellence and if you come with the high expectations of a mainline Ace Attorney game, you will be disappointed.

But despite it all, I have to seriously congratulate the team, because I did not expect to enjoy myself as much as I did. The characters in Tyrion are so incredibly likeable, and the way their relationships are built throughout the entire game achieved the exact same comfort space the original AA universe managed to do for me back in the day. The writer takes many tropes from AA but makes them their own in a familiar, but fresh perspective, that consistently brought a smile to my face (the relationship between Tyrion and Celeste is the prime example to this).

I was very surprised at how well-built the world was, the way the cases are connected to each other feels incredibly cohesive. They managed to reuse assets in really clever ways that crafted a believable world with clear direction and consequences. And all the new gameplay mechanics are well executed into this fantastical world with above average solid cases. This game is very smart by having its first and final cases being the best of the experience, considering they are the most important part of AA (I would even argue of most stories). And I NEED to mention the music. I cannot complain how little of it there is because every track is absolutely fantastic and elevates what the writing lacks.

So yeah, Tyrion is not a masterpiece, but I am incredibly happy I bought it. Likeable characters and fantastic music with some fun murder mystery action mixed in is the entire reason why I fell in love with Ace Attorney in the first place. Don’t get me wrong, this experience can be polished in many ways, but the writer and his small team should be proud of this one and I will absolutely buy Tyrion 2 whenever it comes out.

I only ask there is less Marvel humor next time in place of sincere ingenuity. My friend and I laughed so hard whenever “Well… THAT was awkward” jokes popped up time and time again. Maybe it served their purpose?

Case Ranking:

Case 4

Case 5 and Case 1

Very Good:
Case 3

Case 2