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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 11, 2022

Platforms Played


Not fun airport color sorting puzzle "simulation" type thing that I did not enjoy very much at all. 30 minutes or so with the game was all I needed to figure that out. I've been trying my best to play all of the Guild series as unspoiled as possible, and I was a bit surprised to learn this game was puzzle based. I assumed it would be some kind of airport management stuff, and while the game tells you that you are the new manager of an up and coming airport, all you really do during gameplay is sort differently colored bags into the matching planes. A lot of complexity is dumped on you pretty quickly, from simply more lines and thus more planes with luggage to manage at once, to several challenges, like VIPs wanting their luggage to be placed in the plane first to actual bombs you have to send to get disarmed instead of into a plane. In theory this sounds cool, but this game quickly reminded me that I fucking suck at multitasking. Having to babysit all the luggage going into different places all at once while having their correct destination in mind plus whatever daily objective was an extremely frustrating, slow and maddening affair, and it might be copium of the highest degree but I didn't always feel like it was my fault. Luggage has weird hitboxes, and sometimes there seems to be a coin toss if they drop or go up to the line you want to when you want that. Presentation is very minimalist, but the airport sounds do add a lot of atmosphere. I really tried with this game, but could not stand to play it for very long. I didn't get to unlock the garage feature, which just seems to mean that you can customize a plane and then send it to other players via Streetpass. Who in the absolute fuck gets Streetpass hits these days? Especially god damn Aero Porter ones? Yeah I'm not very sad I missed on that. I hate just dropping games, but I'm thinking this is one I'm not seeing the end of.