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Really fun sequel that greatly expands the character mechanics, with dashes, dodges, special inputs that you can cancel your jabs and a super that will help you get rid of the most annoying enemies instantly. Each character has their own secret tech, such as Guy and Lucia's dash attack combos, Haggar's whole grappling play, and Dean's (my favorite) which has a very short throwing range but makes up for it with some strong frame traps to catch enemies in their wake up animation. It's great to master them all, but the game design is a bit lacking; enemies have become faster and always try to attack you from behind like mosquitoes, but they can barely keep up with the player's mechanics. This is most evident during the bosses, some of them don't fight with any grunts (like the final boss lol) so there's nothing stopping you from cornering them into a wall, and even then if you're using one of the slow characters , you only have to be aware of their wake up attack, really.
I still had more fun with this entry than the previous ones, but it's missing that claustrophobic feeling of the first game, where your muscle guy is only slightly stronger than the evil muscle guys you're fighting.