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Time Played

12h 40m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 6, 2024

First played

January 4, 2024


Just to be completely transparent right off the bat, this is primarily a review of the narrative, setting, and basically everything except gameplay in FF7 since I employed liberal use of the almost-too-useful in-game cheats that are available to you in this remaster and more or less sped through the entire game.

You might argue that's unfair to such a classic, and that's true; however, in all honesty, if it weren't for Remake essentially making the original required reading moving forward, I may not have touched the original game, at least not before all the remake parts came out anyhow. Not for some sanctimonious reason but pretty much entirely because I'm not a fan of the game's pseudo-turn-based ATB system and much prefer the remake's blend of real-time action and strategy.

With that aside, as for the original Final Fantasy VII's narrative and characters...

I mean, I basically already ‘got it’ by osmosis of internet gaming culture even before Remake came out, but seeing it for myself, I have to say I fully understand the hype and deep love and respect so many people have for this Final Fantasy in particular now.

It's a great story, told very well, with a lovable cast of characters and a truly memorable setting. Basically, everything you'd want out of a fantasy story, or really any story.

The character writing is well done indeed, for the most part. As for Cloud's characterization in particular, I can certainly see why many prefer him in the original and how they may have felt he was a step back in Remake. However, as they say, "let them cook."

Not all of it is a winner, though, and can feel overly cheesy and very 90s at times, if you catch my meaning.

Still, despite my super-speedrun first playthrough of FF7, I came away fully appreciating and agreeing that it is indeed a classic and a hallmark of video games as a medium for storytelling.

Since FF7 Remake was my introduction to this game's story and universe, however, I do prefer it and have a strong bias towards it as a result, much like OG fans have in the other direction.

And yet, while OG FF7's gameplay may not be my thing and I shortcut most of it, it still overall gets a very high rating for me since its strengths are SO strong that they kind of overpower everything else. A true classic of our time.
