I went into this expecting more of the same from Second Son, albeit with a new style and perspective from that game's most intriguing character, Fetch Walker. What this ended up being, however, was a pretty significant improvement gameplay-wise, with a darker, more intimate, character-driven story that proves to be a bit more compelling than the dry, paint-by-numbers superhero fantasy story of Second Son.

By focusing on one character with one power base, First Light manages to be a lot more engaging and instantly gratifying to play than Second Son, thanks to Fetch's snazzy neon powers, which allow her to run across the city at high speed and shoot beams of light out of her hands rapidly. It all feels super satisfying to wield and brings Second Son's revised gameplay back up to speed with Infamous 2.

The combat challenge arenas that the game throws at you both in story and side content are an understandable addition to add some longevity to an otherwise short game, but the arenas themselves aren't very interesting or varied enough to justify their inclusion, and the enemy variety just isn't there to keep things constantly interesting.

Nevertheless, First Light is a short yet sweet addition to the Infamous franchise and a welcome improvement to Second Son's gameplay base and story focus, which make it well worth playing on its own.


Reviewed on Jul 23, 2023


11 months ago

How long did it take you to beat it?

11 months ago

Just over 3 hours.