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1 day

Last played

November 25, 2023

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Maybe one of the most bloated games I've ever played. I really don't understand why they felt the need to extend a third of the original game out to a 30+ hour game. It feels like it wants to waste your time at points. Many of the chapters could have been cut in half easily. I was actually enjoying the game quite a bit for the first half, but the combat isn't nearly enjoyable enough to keep it engaging throughout the whole thing, especially with how spongy a lot of the enemies and bosses are.

A lot of what made the original game so iconic was its open world design, which for some reason was completely taken out in this. I think the linearity holds this game back quite a bit. There is a lot of side content that you can do between some of the missions, but most of it is kinda bland and doesn't offer significant enough rewards for it to feel worthwhile in my opinion.

Slightly disappointing, but I'm still interested in seeing what the second entry offers, considering they've actually brought back the open world design for that.