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1 day

Last played

April 21, 2023

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The game really felt like it was lacking in a lot of crucial ways. It feels like a mediocre attempt at making Disco Elysium for weebs or something. The writing really didn't stand out much and offered very little outside of the murder mystery plot that was obviously at the forefront. This just makes the game have almost no effect on me and makes it hard to connect with the characters and the story itself.

The visual style is also quite rough. It doesn't look very good from a graphical standpoint. When you look at the assets in the game, they just don't blend together at all and look quite flat. Quite the contrast when you compare this to the way all the characters look. Some have interesting designs, while others look downright silly. I liked Witness, Akiko and One Last Kiss at least.

The way it blends the open world formula with the visual novel style of storytelling is also quite strange, but I did like this aspect. Having to actively go out and find clues yourself and talk to people in a non-linear order was enjoyable. The platforming did not feel good at all though. It's hard to describe unless you've experienced it yourself, but you can't really move your character after you jump, which gives off this weird and often times frustrating lack of free movement, as it makes just climbing over small obstacles and walls annoying.

Also, I wish every open world game had this: a feature that lets you see all the collectibles. This game still has some of that annoying open world feature where collectibles are in the game to give it a longer lifespan, but a lot of the ones in this game actually have a purpose, sometimes giving you extra story elements and lore.