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1 day

Last played

April 29, 2024

Platforms Played


I just decided to play this at pure random last night since my arcade had a cab. I knew nothing about it going in and was pleasantly surprised by how nice it looked and how fittingly creepy the experience was. This is absolutely a game that has to be experienced at a cab. Ideally the hooded cab as it adds a lot to the experience. It helps add to the feeling of being in the deep sea. You're alone and anything could kill you.
I don't have too much to say on the enemies asides from they get very creepy in the latter half of the game. Fitting considering if you really think about it, the ocean is terrifying. The boss designs are very on point. All feel very terrifying and very mythological. Especially the final boss.
There's a very unique charm to the world. While yeah you're mostly underwater, there's a very interesting Greek/steampunk aesthetic going on. I can't think of too many games that do this, and I respect the team wanted to try that with this. I say they succeeded.
I say play Ocean Hunter at least once. You likely won't regret the experience.