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With 4 players it can be a really fun time with plenty of laughs, but after a few days of playing, it can get pretty stale rather quickly. It feels as though something about the game is really lacking depth. As it is, though, it's fun to play every once in a while for an hour or two, so long as you have people to play it with.

This DLC is crazy. Affinity points were such a perfect idea to give exploration a much more massive incentive and because of that, for my first time playing any game in the series, I actually voluntarily went out of my way to do all the side-content shit I could because it was so much fun racking up points in this game.

I'm honestly glad I explored as much as I did, because the DLC's length pales in comparison to the base game, as you would expect. My reward for scouring the areas so much was unlocking the win button known as Double Spinning Edge, which allowed me to plow through the last few hours of the game's story at the unfortunate cost of making every single battle a complete pushover.

Still, though, I was highly impressed with just how much fun this DLC was. It was definitely more than worth playing for the same price it costs to fill up my car's gas tank.

One of the best Spider-Man games. The combat and web-swinging are both very fun and I love how fluid Spider-Man feels to control.

The main story itself is pretty fun. To my memory, the only real thing I didn't like so much were some of the Black Cat missions where all you do is basically play Simon Says with web-swinging.

It has some very memorable moments. I'll never forget the Mysterio boss battle where he has like 5 health bars, and then you punch him once and you win the fight.

The one big thing that sucks is that there is barely any variety when it comes to the side content in this game. It can get very repetitive very quickly, probably with the exception of the Pizza missions since those are the only ones I found consistently fun.

Great game that really set the bar for Spider-Man games that followed.