5 reviews liked by Yubu

Elliot Page gave an amazing performance here. And despite the bad David Cage writing, it stands out.

There are as many good chapters as there are bad chapters here. Very mixed bag.

why this is so much better than the first one:
- you will not want to gouge your eyes out after every line of dialogue
- choices actually matter (even little tiny things, relationships are very important to the ending), tangible sacrifices are made
- not nearly as predictable
- it just... looks better (mouth mapping still sucks though)
- script is SO MUCH BETTER, characters actually make sense and talk like human beings, voice acting is really good
- characters were much easier to empathize with while having flaws, threats in the story much more tangible than time travel being able to fix every possible issue
- lovely relationships, family/love/friendships all feel very real
- the aspect of moving all over the place brought lots of new environments, beautiful scenes in nature

my main gripe:
- most villains very one-sided, face value (except Lisbeth and her group were more interesting)

if this is propaganda what is COD doing with reagan's penis in their mouth?

but if i'm gay and you're gay... then who's doing the farmwork?

misoginia e transfobia 😍😍😍