
I don't have much to say about the base game, but Coven, on the other hand? It's okay? It feels like there's a weighty emphasis on the evil roles, which can lead to some genuinely fun moments. Chaos All/Any in Coven is Town of Salem operating at its fullest, with some of the most chaotic matches I have witnessed in over 400 hours. But while that can be fun or maybe one or two matches, it quickly wears out its welcome and gets a bit tiring to play. I don't think I'm alone in that assessment; while All/Any is still played on a day-to-day basis, the other modes aren't touched. Good luck finding a Coven Classic match, and you're fucked if you're expecting to find a Coven Ranked lobby with more than two or three people in it. The two other modes of note, VIP and Lovers, are the best part about this expansion and probably the reason to buy it. But for some asinine reason, they switch between the two on a weekly basis instead of always having them both as options. I think this is a woefully artificial way of getting people to play either one and is done in the most bafflingly transparent way imaginable.

Other than that--I mean, Juggernaut's fun, I guess? If you ever to get play as him, however.

Reviewed on May 03, 2022
