Beton Brutal's focus on precision platforming results in a tough, tense experience that should very well resemble drinking Dayquil for the flavor to anyone not looking to speedrun it. I disagree with that notion. If you have the patience for it, Beton will reward your curiosity. The timer in the corner and set-dressing of all attempts as runs are both illusions. You can take as long as you want to complete this, and there's no shame in that. There's an enthrallingly visceral joy in finally understanding how the game wants to proceed. Sometimes, it comes to you naturally, and sometimes, the game can work like a bit of a puzzle box focused on climbing. I still haven't reached the top of the tower yet, I keep falling. But I feel content with that because it's been a lot of fun so far.

I totally understand that this won't be to everyone's taste. But I've been having a blast with it.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

give me of your thoughts in whole lotta red