14 reviews liked by YvesLudwig

Probably the best idea anyone has ever had for a game. What characterizes Minecraft and allowed it to gain success was not that it was a limitless sandbox, but the fact it gamified already existing sandbox elements into something with legitimate structure.

Sandboxes had existed for years by the time of the devious little block game's inception, but Minecraft did it differently. Truth is, what makes Minecraft really work is the fact it's not just a sandbox. You don't start off as a god here, you become a god. Your own ability to work defines what you get out of it, and the game is actively prepared to throw hurdles at you while trying to get there. It's not just survival mechanics; Minecraft has a very cohesive vision of what construction is "for." Other entities in the world can interact with the world in similar manners to you, and your way of dealing with them could be swinging a sword, but it could also be machinery designed to trap and farm them. You could simply build a tower, and that's your job done, but it's the push to starting that effort that makes it feel like something more than other sandbox games. Everything here reinforces that, most prominently the melancholy yet encouraging music, which could have had absolutely any kind of style to fit any sort of element of the games amalgamation of genres and concepts; but instead of being action-packed adventure music, or anything fitting to the semi-fantasy setting, we got beautiful, relaxing and thought-provoking piano/ambient pieces which contend for the best music of any video game ever made to me.

There's a very classical computer game mentality to all this. Tons of freedom, tons of mechanical resistance, and everything coming together to form a sort-of-simulation sort-of-roguelike sort-of-tower-defense sort-of-sandbox hybrid that twists tongues to describe in concept but is just so elegant and comprehensible to see in motion. It may have nabbed a thing or two from Infiniminer's presentation, but Minecraft's sheer understanding of the potential of blocks elevates it to greater heights than recognizable. The game deserved its success, and the ultimate encapsulation of its best quality to me is that the most iconic element of the game about building, is an enemy that is willing to throw away all your hard work and blow it all up. Unique, and not once will we see it be truly replicated in a way that succeeds it.

hatsune miku did a rlly good job on this one

If you aren’t building dicks in this game, you’re playing it wrong.

This review contains major story spoilers

After playing the original i thought i would come back to this game again since i played it through years ago and remember liking it a lot. However after completing it i am left very torn on my thoughts about it.

Start of with what i liked. I think the parkour is as good as ever. Very fluid, improved from the first game and i had lots of fun running around. The combat is massively improved with it being much more involved in the story, however they did remove being able to use weapons which i do think actually works better in this game due to their only being one ranged enemy. I enjoyed most of the characters but none are anything to write home about. Visuals looks great and it also has a pretty good score.

Now for what I didnt like. This game did not need an open world. Now i think them expanding from a linear gameplay loop would of worked ok if the open world was for anything other than collectables. Also when you are running across the same 4 buildings all the time the open world ends up not feeling like one. I was extremely confused by the story, i originally thought it was a sequel to the original due to the futuristic tech, then i looked at the game info and it mentioned "Faith's origin" so then i thought it was a prequel, then to google it and find out its a reboot. The story also handles major plot points very poorly. There are two major example so SPOILERS AHEAD. My main problem is that they reveal that the main villains daughter is actually Faith's sister, not through a cutscene but through a stray line of dialogue said by one of the side characters, for the reveal of the games largest plot point to just be tossed out there like that seems like a massive waste to me. Secondly they have you believe one of the side characters Noah was killed about a quarter of the way into the game, only to reveal he is alive, to then kill him instantly, just seems a bit pointless.

While i think Mirror's Edge Catalyst is a good gameplay experience, with some amazing parkour and way more forgiving combat encounters than its predecessor. I think its step's to take on a more narrative experience failed handing out a half baked story with nothing that memorable really happening.

jean pierre polnareff Was so juicy

Muito superior ao primeiro jogo mas...ainda falta algo. É um ótimo game, literalmente um belíssimo mundo aberto em São Francisco e com inúmeras atividades/missões secundárias durante o jogo. Também vale destacar que diferentemente do primeiro game, aqui o protagonista é bacana. Marcus Holloway e os outros personagens tem MUITO carisma.
A jogabilidade também é extremamente superior ao primeiro jogo, tendo uma dirigibilidade muito boa e própria pra cada veículo. Os drones são um ponto positivo por si só. É extremamente legal fazer a missão totalmente stealth, somente usando seus drones e as habilidades de hackear.
Apesar dos inúmeros pontos positivos do jogo, falta um peso ou clímax na narrativa. As missões um pouco repetitivas também deixam um gosto ruim na boca, mas são bem contornadas pela vasta possibilidade de completar as missões. Poderia ser mais polido na jogabilidade, mas os pequenos detalhes e a história divertida acabam compensando os problemas.

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