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Best version of FFT since it essentially comes with an empty memory card built in. Less likely to trap yourself at Orbonne.

Although that maybe wasn't the only flaw with the game. (Although it was the biggest one.) The entire first chapter is an extended flashback, but it has a flashback in it. (We need to go deeper!!) Although the updated translation makes the story much better overall. (Except the ending which still sucks due to tonal whiplash.) The pacing goes out the window starting with chapter 4, although at some point I realized, the point of that chapter is essentially to serve as a non-postgame postgame; a launching point for various headcanon adventures featuring Ramza and his compadres which makes sense given his historic legacy.

Best (read: only good) SRPG.
- Job system.
- Freely reversible job changing.
- Fitting room.
- Individual unit turns.
- No cheesy special moves that cheat the grid.
- Free to grind for most of the game, starting from almost the very beginning.
- Good music.
- Good story. (One that should probably be adapted to film)

Slowdown/stuttering occurs during nearly any action that isn't a standard attack. For me this was almost a deal breaker, but eventually I got used to it. (But I tend not to be overly nitpicky when it comes to games.) By the end of the game I practically didn't even notice the slowdown anymore. Thankfully though a patched version exists that fixes the slowdown, and from what I've played of it, (got to chapter 2 or so) it works without a hitch.